Weekly Email 03.17.2022
Dear Gathering Place Family...
Last week we started a series on Lent – designed to help us learn more about the practice and we covered the history of why Lent exists and the roots of the tradition. This week we will continue the series and look at the idea of Temptation and why some people seem to struggle with the same temptation for years while others walk easily by. We will also look at the idea that all people struggle, but we can grow through the old paths and discover new ways to find freedom from that which (as Hebrews 12.1 puts it) so easily entangles us.
Women’s Coffee and Conversation is this Saturday at 9 AM. PLEASE consider joining us for a tie of connection and encouragement of one another. Life is difficult to do alone and this point has been driven even more deeply not our minds and souls the past two years. I want to encourage you to be a part of these opportunities to build and strengthen relationships. You are welcome to join us even if you did not pre-sign up for the event.
Our annual community Easter egg hunt and breakfast is coming up on April 16th. We will be sending home bags of plastic eggs to be filled with individually wrapped candy to be filled by our congregation. If you are willing, please take a bag with you as you leave the next couple of weeks. All eggs need to be returned by Sunday April 10th so we have time to go purchase whatever additional supplies are needed. We will need help and have sign-up sheets beginning March 27th in the lobby near the information area.
It’s not too late to sign-up for softball. If you are interested in playing, please connect with Matt and Daphne after service on Sunday morning. We would love to have you play with GP this year. Even if you cannot commit the time to practice and play, we want to encourage you to come out and cheer the team on. It’s a great way to connect with others from Gathering Place.
Blessings ~
Jeff Espeseth
Lead Pastor, Gathering Place