Weekly Email 6.24.21
Dear Gathering Place Family –
This weekend we will continue our series on the Problem of Pain focusing on depression, anxiety, PTSD and emotional pain. These are all real and deeply troubling to our spiritual lives. Oftentimes they are difficult to define thus making it harder to get the healing we so desperately need. We will also talk about the increase in our society and some of the suspected causation for the increases as well as how we can help people in our lives deal with and cope with these incredibly damaging aspects of life.
Our hospitality needs your help. We provide post service snacks each week for our congregation. This is a wonderful opportunity for people to connect and share a simple snack. Are you willing to help contribute to this unique ministry that truly shows many hands make light work? We ask that you sign up and either make or bring a snack to share with others. We could use your support and partnership during this rebuilding phase in our congregation. The sign-up sheet is available at the Java Dock.
Softball will begin in July and we would love to have you consider joining our church team. Prior to our covid cancelled season in 2020 we had enough interest to have two teams, but we are not sure where we are currently. We would love to have you join this recreational co-ed team and be a part with others from Gathering Place. If you are interested or need further details please contact Daphne Campbell-Hennig 206-619-9870 and she can let you know details regarding games and practices. Space is limited and time is short so get signed up right away if you are interested in being a part this summer. All skill levels are invited to be a part.
Know that we would love to have you join us weekly whether on-line or in person. You matter to us and we would love to have you be a part of the Gathering Place Family.
Blessings ~
Jeff Espeseth
Lead Pastor, Gathering Place