Weekly Email 6.17.21
This weekend we will continue our series on The Problem of Pain. As we move forward this time will include specific focus on depression, anxiety, and how to deal with family members that are struggling with PTSD and trauma in their lives. We never want to disregard anybody’s pain, but also do not want the pain in this world to hold us back from a meaningful connection with God because they feel they are “broken” or not worthy.
I mailed out a letter regarding our plan for opening. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding specifically what that will look like. We will be attempting to reach out to everybody that was on our mailing list prior to Covid to find out where they are and whether they will be coming back. This season has been filled with life changes, family struggles, emotional highs and lows, fear, uncertainty and frustration. We know that some people have moved and others have decided to use this time to move on. Our hope and prayer is that as a church we will choose grace and come back together despite the difficulties and difference of ideas and opinions. Oftentimes we allow our personal feelings to interfere with the unity of the kingdom of God. Let’s be a people that despite all the human issues we choose the greater growth of the kingdom of God.
We NEED your help with hospitality. I know that the best way to have any individual sign up to be a part of something is a direct ask – which we will be doing as well – but we need people to sign up to provide a post service snack. This includes set-up, clean-up and distribution. You are welcome to do this as a team or just pick a few Sundays over the course of the year to make yours. Please consider being a part of this valuable way to serve the families of our church – and those guests that join us. There is a sign-up sheet on the counter near the Java Dock where you can be a part.
As we approach fall we are in need of workers in kids ministry. We currently have one classroom open, but it is our desire to get more rooms open so we are prepared for all the kids and families that come in. When families are looking for a place to worship, having an active kid’s program is essential. If we desire to return to where we were previously as a church we are going to need people to step up and step in – possibly in ways you have not done so before or a return to an area of ministry. It may have been years since you last served.
You are valued. You are loved. You matter greatly to me.
Blessings ~
Jeff Espeseth
Lead Pastor, Gathering Place