Weekly Email 6.10.21
Dear Gathering Place Family...
This past weekend I started a series titled “The Problem of Pain.” We will focus on a new area of pain in our lives each week through this series. Nearly 20% of Americans between the ages of 18-25 are on prescription anxiety medicine. 44% of Americans fear for the future of the country or their way of life. Over 1/3 of Americans state they have struggled with depression at some point in their lives. These struggles are in our own lives as well as those people all around us. Over the next few weeks we will examine the idea of “why does God allow bad things to happen” as well as topics such as depression, anxiety, and fear. It is my hope that you will join us through this series.
THANK YOU to all that contributed to the kids going to camp. Because of your faithfulness we were able to give each student from our church $150 towards their camp. This also allows us to cover the cost of our staff and cabin leaders that are attending as well. We set aside a small portion to help any additional students that sign up in the next few weeks to attend. We WANT our kids to be a part of this incredible opportunity to connect with God on a deeper level. Though the camps are currently full, we believe we will be opening more spots soon and would love to have as many kids from our church attend as possible. We also still need leaders for various age groups. If you are willing and able to be a cabin leader for kids from our church please let me know.
In July we will be changing some of our seating and social distance protocols. This is in alignment with the CDC guidelines and the opening of the state of Washington. Though we have struggled at times with the orders and directives, we have attempted to abide by them as followers of Christ in a society that does not know God. Our goal has been to care for all around us and be a light and witness to our community as well. For those on the mailing list a letter will be going out next week with more details and information. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns about how these changes will effect your family.
It is my prayer that we can grow together as we move forward as a church. I know that the past 18 months have been incredibly painful and divisive for many people. It is my hope and prayer that we can grow together through this time. God has incredible things in store for our church and I want as many to be a part of the incredible that is yet to come as possible.
We are in need of help with hospitality and with our post service prayer team. Are you interested in getting more involved? We need you during this time if you are willing to serve others and have the time to engage in the life of our church. If you are interested email me or catch me after service this week. Thanks so much.
Blessings ~
Jeff Espeseth
Lead Pastor, Gathering Place