Weekly Email June 16, 2022
Dear Gathering Place Family...
Promotion Sunday is nearly here! Do you have a child or grandchild graduating/promoting this year? We’d love to celebrate them with you. If you’d like your student included, please provide their information to us as soon as possible so that we can celebrate them.
Thank you so much to everyone that volunteered and participated at our Camp Meeting this last Sunday evening. We have a great team this year! We still have a need for cabin leaders for Middle School (July 18th – 22nd) and High School (July 25th – 29th). If you are interested in helping, we would love to have you on our team!
Would you like to help with post service snacks and fellowship? We need you! Sign up at the Java Dock to volunteer for a Sunday of After Service Hospitality. What’s expected? You’ll be asked to provide snacks (this can be whatever you’d like), and to serve them after service. You can volunteer for this opportunity once, twice, or regularly! The beauty of this ministry is to help us build relationship with one another, and we’d love to have your support.
Let’s enjoy the beautiful weather together! Service on the Lawn is coming on July 17th at the Des Moines Campus. We’ll be hosting a picnic after service, where we’ll be serving hotdogs, hamburgers, chips, dessert, and drinks. We’d love for you and your family to join us in this great opportunity to fellowship together. Would you like to help with food prep, set up, or cleanup for this event? Many hands make for light work!
For all volunteer opportunities or questions please contact Ray Ryder. Email: rayanneryder_official@yahoo.com
Blessings ~
Gathering Place Staff