Weekly Email 8.12.21
This weekend we will continue our series on evangelism. The importance of sharing our faith is lived out when our faith is alive and vibrant. Too often times faith becomes an “add-on” in a busy and preoccupied life. God desires for us to make faith a central part of our daily lives and as such shape and change us to become who He created us to be. I want to encourage you to join us – live or on-line as we stretch ourselves to be followers of Jesus at a deeper level.
August 27th is our Bingo Night. Join us from 6:30-8 PM for this free event and be a part of the fun together. We will have snacks, prizes and an opportunity to build community in our faith family. After a long year of keeping distant and avoiding people, it is time to come back together and begin to rebuild and renew relationships again. Please consider coming out and joining us for some fun together as we strive to become a community people desire to be a part of.
Our next opportunity to serve with Transform Burien is September 5th and we need your help to make this happen. Are you willing to come out and be a part of this ministry to those in greatest need in the Burien area? We need help with food prep (11-2 PM) and serving food (2:30-5 PM). This is an excellent opportunity for you to get to know others in the church as we serve our community in a real and practical way. If you are interested, please contact me and let me know. We are also still looking for somebody with administrative skills and a leadership gifting to oversee our church's commitment to this partnership ministry. The leader would work on creating menus, finding a team to serve and communicating with the director of Transform to discover other ways we can partner to serve our city.
Are you interested in getting more connected with Gathering Place? We are in need of help with serving in kids ministry, the Java Dock coffee area, cooking for men’s breakfast and many other areas of ministry as well. We would love to have you step into an area of ministry and find out how you can serve our church and community in a wider capacity. WE need you in order to help us become all that God has designed us to be as a light to the community.
Blessings ~
Jeff Espeseth
Lead Pastor, Gathering Place