Weekly Email 08.19.21

Dear Gathering Place Family – 

This weekend we will continue our series on evangelism.  I want to again reiterate that this is not an indictment against people for not “doing” enough, but is a reminder that we have incredible opportunities to share the beauty and depth of the truth we have discovered.  The church as a whole has lost its vision and passion in America (not singling out an individual congregation, but strictly based on numerical evidence) and I believe it is time for us as a people to reignite a passion to share who Jesus is in our lives.  This week we will examine the idea of “when” to share.  Through many conversations I have had people have struggled to know the details of sharing their faith.  This entire series was designed to help us be more effective in sharing Jesus with those in our lives.

Family Bingo Night is August 27th from 6:30-8 PM.  Please join us for this free event as we play together, fellowship, enjoy snacks, and spend time reconnecting.  All are invited to join us and you are welcome to bring a friend, neighbor, coworker, kids, grandkids, or whomever you would like to have come and be a part.  The desired outcome from this event is connection with others in our church.  People of all ages are wanted for this exciting time together.

We are in need of people to serve at Transform Burien.  Our next time to serve is September 5th.  We serve food to those in greatest need from 2:30-5.  We have been a part of this ministry since it first began over a decade ago and the past three years have struggled to put together a crew to serve even a few times a year.  We have been asking for people to step up and lead for over a year and have not had anybody take ownership.  If you would like to see us continue partnering with this ministry please let me know.  We attempt to partner with ministries people in our church are passionate about and if that season is passed then we will reevaluate our involvement for the next calendar year.  If you are interested in seeing us continue then let us know.  Thanks for all those who have served in the past.

We are in need of people to help us reestablish and open the nursery and pre-school classes again.  Prior to Covid-19 we had all three classes fully staffed and operational, but with loss of people due to moves, life changes, people staying home and other reasons we are now short of volunteers.  Would you consider taking over one of these incredibly vital and important positions within our congregation?  If we desire to grow and meet the needs of people within our community we need you to consider serving.  Even taking a single Sunday a month would be a great step forward.  

Know that you are valued and loved.  I am praying for you and your family.

Blessings ~

Jeff Espeseth

Lead Pastor, Gathering Place

Gathering Place Admin