Weekly Email 04.14.22
Dear Gathering Place Family...
We have a full week of Easter events for you and your family, and I hope you will set aside time to make this a priority in your life. This Friday evening (April 15th) we will have a time of remembrance for the crucifixion of Jesus. This time together will include communion, scripture reading and music, as well as a brief message on the death of Christ. Service begins at 7 PM and will last approximately one hour. It will also be live-streamed if you are not able to join us in person.
Saturday morning (April 16th) at 9 AM is our Community Pancake Breakfast and Easter Egg Hunt. Invite your friends and neighbors to join us for a free meal and some fun as we invite kids to be a part of the celebration. This is also an excellent event at which to invite those that join us to celebrate Easter with us the next day. Please consider being a part of this fun time to connect with our neighbors in Des Moines (2038 S 222nd St, Des Moines).
Sunday morning (April 17th) is our Easter Service, and we will celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. This is the most important day in the Christian calendar as it is the pivotal act in our entire faith. This day is set aside to remember and remind of the plan God set out for the redemption of humanity. We want you with us – either in person or online – as we worship and celebrate all that Jesus means to us.
Our opportunity to serve at Transform Burien is coming up May 1st and we would love for you all to join us. Transform Burien is a ministry of service to our community walked out through preparing a meal for those in greatest need, serving that meal and cleaning up following the event. As a church community we love to have the opportunity to partner with other churches to show the love of Jesus for those around us. We also collect food weekly for those in need that is distributed through the food pantry at Transform Burien. They need canned meats, soups, chili, stew, and peanut butter currently. If you can contribute any of those items, we have a collection spot in the hallway beneath our bulletin board. Please feel free to donate any Sunday and we will take care of the food distribution. Thanks so much for being a part of this great ministry.
Blessings ~
Jeff Espeseth
Lead Pastor, Gathering Place